Episode - 94 - Your Money is Our Money | #Bsideofmarriage Podcast
✨ NEW Podcast Episode✨ Hey Bside Family, here's a new podcast episode for you!!! This week we are talking about money, money, MONEY! You would be surprised how often we have clients who do not talk about money before getting married. Money and power are synonymous with power and control and that doesn't mean in a bad or good way!
In this episode, we discuss:
✨ Understanding each other's family of origin story (as it relates to money)
✨ How and who should manage your finances
✨ What is a spending threshold
✨ How money assumptions impacts the rest of your relationship
✨ And much, much more!
Check out today's episode and share it with a newly married couple or even a couple who have been together for some time! There are some good advice dropped throughout the episode!