Every Conflict Is Solvable

Every Conflict Is Solvable

Every week we want to de-mystify a common myth about marriage!

This week we want to talk about how every conflict is not solvable.....and that is okay!

You can still have a healthy, strong marriage even if there are challenges within your relationship.

There are bound to be someone in the relationship who loves to be early while the other one tends to run behind schedule, one is more organized than the other, or one spouse wants more "me time" instead of quality time with their spouse.

According to Gottman's Research, only 31% of conflicts are actually solvable. In a marriage, perpetual problems will occur because of the different personalities and lifestyles you and your spouse have. It is more important on how you navigate those differences, so that they do not create any barriers within your marriage.

Accept those differences so that you are able to maintain and increase your emotional connection and satisfaction within your relationship.

Want to know what your personality style is and how it impacts how you resolve conflict with your spouse? Book a consultation today and let us help you out! The link is in our bio!


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